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Community Drumming

Group Drumming’ is a fun, a positive outlet that enhances connectivity, stress reliving and fun for everyone. Given the proven ability of drumming to enhance individual well-being and create positive shared experiences, Soul Rhythms’ drumming workshops are ideal for benefiting community groups. 

Our fully interactive drum and music sessions are great for celebrating special events and for building community. We specialize in community drumming playshops for all occasions. Tailor-made to address specific issues, they can focus on improved self-esteem and better group communications – plus they provide a unique shared opportunity for musical expression in harmony with friends and fellow community members. Our community based clients can include Community Based Organizations, nonprofit, clubs and all forms of groups that makes up a community.

Standard session time is 45 – 60 minutes as required

Each event is unique so we will customize a free quote for you. This is based on the number of participants, how many performers we will bring and the duration and location of the event.

Tailored workshops for all events

Have questions or need more information? Contact us now: call/text: 1-719-551-2175 or email us: